Trauma-Informed Care

Helping you to feel safe again.

What is Trauma-Informed Care?

Trauma-informed care is an approach to therapy that takes a person’s trauma history into consideration and how it affects their present emotions and behaviours. A trauma-informed counsellor is someone who has specialized in the study of trauma and its unique impact on every person.

Trauma-informed care is a careful and sensitive approach that focuses on helping people without retraumatizing them. It is used in the treatment of different kinds of trauma, but can and should also be used as a cautionary best practice if a client doesn’t have a trauma history. 

Back view of a woman sitting in the grass and looking out at the lake

What to Expect During Trauma-Informed Care

A trauma-informed counsellor uses certain techniques when approaching children or adults who have a history of trauma. 

Some of these techniques include:

Prioritizing emotional and physical safety 

At its core, trauma targets a person’s ability to feel safe, be it from specific people, places, actions, and even words. Trauma-informed care focuses on creating a comfortable and safe environment for clients.

Rebuilding trust

Safety is closely tied to trust, and when survivors of trauma lack a feeling of safety, it also affects their ability to trust people and situations. Trauma-informed care gradually teaches people how to rebuild trust and emotional safety. Part of building this trust also focuses on creating a judgment-free zone for the client to express their thoughts to the counsellor, without the fear of shame.


Trauma-informed care also emphasizes people’s role in their own recovery. Instead of seeing them as ‘victims’ of trauma, this approach looks at them as ‘survivors’ of trauma. Clients are supported and empowered towards recovery, and their inner potential to heal is recognized and celebrated.

Respecting cultural sensitivities 

One of the most important aspects of trauma-informed care is understanding and respecting the social, cultural, and racial sensitivites of clients. Counsellors who are trauma-informed make sure to stay updated with the latest knowledge about such nuances, and put their clients’ comfort at the forefront.

Benefits of Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care not only helps people to heal but also creates self-awareness and compassion within survivors of trauma.

Here’s how:

  • It teaches them about trauma and removes the stigma around it

  • It helps them to rebuild trust and feel safe again

  • It increases their self-awareness of their own triggers

  • It teaches them healthy coping strategies

  • It teaches them acceptance and self-compassion

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Reach Out To Us

If you are a resident of Ontario and are looking for online counselling, the compassionate counsellors at Reclaim and Rise Counselling are here to support you.

Using evidence-based therapeutic approaches, we can help you begin to reclaim power in your life so that you can rise above whatever is holding you down.

When you’re ready, reach out to our team by filling out a contact form, calling (226) 215-4244, emailing, or simply clicking below.